One of the biggest cover-ups in Indian history got uncovered. Many newspapers, intelligence officers, politicians and others were on KGB's payroll after Shastriji's death. So that's why these newspapers have given very bad reviews for the movie because they are scared of being blatantly exposed.
Cold war had started by early1950s. It was an ideological war b/w USSR( COMMUNIST) & USA( CAPITALIST), the two major worldpowers of that time. So USSR, aware of capacity and potential of India in international politics took advantage of being gegraphically closer to India and bought India from a traitor( who apparently hitched the conspiracy of murdering Shastriji along with USSR ) as it gave benefit to both the parties. She became PM and USSR imperialised India in order to propagate communist ideology. The lady PM of India got so much corrupt that she even amended the "Constitution" of India and added 'socialist' word in the preamble. All to impress the USSR government and earn a lot of money and become powerful. They together sucked and infected India's blood and ruled over the heart ,Delhi.