Just saw this last night, and it's no wonder this movie was constantly delayed. Proof that not all Marvel properties are instantly certified gold. While Mirage, Wolfsbane and Magik looks exactly like in the comics, they could've done Cannonball and Sunspot better. I don't like that they made Magik an uberbitch and you would swear should would end up being the villain of the movie. She was never like that in the comics. I was surprised to see Cecilia Reyes in the movie and that she ended up being the villain. In the comics, she was a self loathing mutant who wanted nothing to do with Mutants. Even though I never liked the character, she didn't turn villain either. And I didn't liked the forced relationship between Dani and Rahne and it was obviously forced. Geez, Iceman, Shatterstar and Rictor wasn't enough? Hopefully this director never directs another comic movie again. This could've been so much better.