I love the character, the TV show started out decent had a few holes in it but I was on board. Then at the end of season 1 they were sneaking in the lefitiest propaganda, but hey it is Hollywood I was willing to deal with it.
Season 2 hit and right about the 3rd episode, oi realized this was no longer supergirl. The show became about Alex and her gayness, and don't get me wrong I have no issue with gay characters I really don't care. But supergirl wasn't telling me a story about a character that just happen to be gay like Mr. Terrific on Arrow, they were telling me about a Gay person who happen to be a character on a TV show. The writers delved super deep into American Politics which meant Orange Man Bad and social Justice points, by the end of season two I cared more about Alex's issues than I cared about Kara.
This should also be mentioned that by the end of season 2 and all through out season 3 they needed to use Superman to show how strong supergirl was by showing how much stronger or better Supergirl was. News flash tearing down a icon just to pump up your own female superhero does look good. That and it tends to upset fans that you tear down one to lift another instead of just lifting the one by their own merits.
I have hokneatly stopped watching after the 3rd season and now will only watch the cross over episode. The show has become a front runner for pushing political views in a world that shouldn't be about political agendas. Supergirl was one of my favorite characters in DC Comics still is, I loved when Kara became a Red Lantern because of her rage and self doubt. But this show has now just become SuperJusticeWarriorGirl a show I had high hopes for as a fan of her comics but took a strong nose dive.
Maybe if your not a fan of the actual comics this character is based off of, and you fall in line with the I hate Trump and SJW thought tank you will love this show, it seems to push a lot of that. I personal don't tune in to a comic book show to have anyone's politics crammed down my throat.
For me this started out as a 7/10 but quickly fell to a 3/10.