Don't buy this game.... there is zero support to the players on this game. First I bought the game and my computer wasn't capable of running it smoothly witch ultimately left me not playing the game and then about a year lately I completely overhall my computer with the soul intent on playing tarkov. Once I started to play it was a week before wipe were they reset everyone to level 1, which I thought was like cool now everyone will be fair when I play. Once the wipe starts I play for a few months and bam, out of no where it says account banned, which I thought was weird since I hardly play the game and I'm not even good lol I die about 90% of my games. The response I was given is battle eye is responsible for the bans and they won't consider anything about an unban until battle eye gives the go ahead. Well it's been months and I haven't gotten a single response from battle eye and I'm out 50$ bc battle eye is an automated banning system and it'll ban you regardless if your cheating or not. So long story short don't waste ur money on a game that'll ban you and take ur money bc they can. Straight thieves BSG is. Hope this reaches ppl before they attempt to buy!!