The people who made this show were geneus!! The show has a totally different style. It is trying to expand people view to assist them easier expanding their consciousness.
The stuff the girl (L) does, is very intensive medition to see other people location & actions. She was segregated from regular kids and she was trained on focusing her mind. She is trained to use the power of her mind more than regular people.
Even show pictured the parallel dimensions, and people choice to pick a dimension (based on their beliefs & apparently their actions).
Even the show is messing around with the time concept, which is totally connected with multi parallel dimendions, future = present = past. So, everything is the PRESENT moment.
BTY, show touches the impact of childhood wounds during adulthood, a d importance of healing them to be a good hearted person.
All in all, all 3 seasons of show are amusing, incredible, exciting.