I didn't read the book (s) so I watched the movie for what it is rather than what it should or could have been. Putting aside the clear over-budget, the movie was a complete waste of 3 hours. Boring is an understatement. I struggled to understand where the movie was going, who the important characters where and why they were important. Paul was called "the one" for some odd reason. I don't think the movie made any real effort to make that believable. Perhaps it had to do with his dreams that didn't seem to add any value to to movie or his character.
Paul's father died but that wasn't a big deal because no one cares - not even Paul. Even Duncan's death felt like it should have been more than what the movie achieved.
Overall, Dune gets 0/10 for story and entertainment. 5/10 for casting. 10/10 for budget which seems a waste.
If big flying machines, high-tech and cool scenery are your thing - this movie is perfect but if you want a story and characters who you connect with, this is a waste of time.