Upbeat flash mob. If was a resident on the block where this strike occurred I would terrified, for every 30 minutes passed a flash mobs appears with aggressive choreography and mad harmonies. The clothes and set are rather good for mimicking the 1890s. The singing was rather good. Emotional portrayals in each character well suited. Enough background on things to understand what is going on.
-Historical information-
There are quite a lot of flaws in this movie when it comes down to historical accuracy. Disney of course is notorious for idolizing small events, people, or groups with a lot of fabrication. This is evident with in this film. For the true story of the 1899 New York Newsies strike, the event beings in July. During the early days of the strike it was rather violent, between those on strike and those who proceeded to work. It is true newspapers started hiring adults ( with offered police protection ) to sell papers to make their profits. Women who sold papers faired rather well for one lead said “ a feller can not soak a lady.”
2 leaders ( who in the movie would have been Jack Kelly & David ) of the strike sold out to biggest money holder on a bribe as did Jack Kelly in the movie. Both leaders gave up their power and left the union for they were disgraced for their actions. The strike only last for a month from July - August of 1899. There was in fact a meeting with in the event hall sponsored by a local senator, roughly 8,000+ newsie children attended along with politicians, newspaper owners, business men and more which all spoke together about a compromise to end the strike.
In August 1st the large paper co. Offered the union a deal. Which was agreed too thus leading to the union being disband on August 2d
This one month strike accomplished price of a hundred papers would remain at 60¢, but they would buy back any unsold papers. This meant that the boys, who had trouble selling all their papers would not be forced to sell late into the night to avoid taking a loss for the day. Sadly their working conditions would remain the same for decades until child welfare practices were implemented into the area.
Further note we hear the trans-Atlantic accent being used. This accent was introduced until the late 1910s later falling outta style during the 1940s. Though this accent was found among affluent schools among the East Coast its popularity didn’t increase until its arrival upon the big screen.
I hope this review has been informative! Enjoy the movie! Remember history is not always as glamorous as it may be presented.