I couldn't give it less stars soooo I'm forced with one. I've been watching people of color react to this ridiculous "doc" all over the place and um, here's a fun fact for you....most of the people of color are calling this out as stupid, ridiculous, embarrassing to their race, and outright a disgrace. This doc doesn't want to find any solution to any racism they are out to just blame white people for EVERYTHING. I mean white people right now should be held accountable for slavery?? What in the actual AF? hahaha The majority of people in the doc are has beens, irrelevant hacks, and people who clearly did this doc for money because their careers are in a sad nose dive or basically over and gone. They clearly haven't actually done their history homework, they clearly just want to roll and play victim, and for the love, god is an imaginary friend for adults so arguing if Jesus is black or white is the most embarrassingly stupid thing I've heard of in quite some time. Save yourself the travesty and move on.