Quite a few differences from the animated film, but this review is strictly rating the movie separate from the animation as well as any bias from politics regarding the film. With that said, this movie lacked nearly everything that I seek to find from watching a Disney film. This adaptation is a very serious tone. That means very few lines intended for humor and next to no classic nostalgic songs. While having a serious tone, the film still manages to feel like a cartoon through it's fighting scenes/movie logic which made the movie feel like a style contradiction. I face palmed at how the antagonist was defeated as well. For a movie centered around war, the action scenes were lacking and were only flashy because of poor excuse of "chi" prowess that again made the film lose it's tone and composure. At this moment I am confused as who the target audience is because I feel as if this film does not pander to children and does a poor job at pulling nostalgia that is itching to be felt from older viewers. Overall one time watch, only because it's mulan, but would suggest to enter the film with the bar hanging lower than deez nuts. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.