Would NOT recommend!
So this was supposedly a comedy/horror film. I was here for it! Popped myself some popcorn, went down to my little theater room and turned on the movie.
Well, the “comedy” was this sort of dry, (super dry) type of humor which was not really funny at all. And, the pace was so incredibly slow, I kept wondering when things were going to pick up, the zombies were going to be running wild and the movie was going to get interesting. Well, I can’t say that ever really happened. The number of zombies did gradually increase to a worrying number, but the type of excitement, panic and action I would normally expect to see never happened either. The female deputy was the only one who seemed really scared/concerned about what was a going on, but she actually was more annoying than anything! The lady from the funeral parlor, who was the best one at killing the zombies turned out to be an alien for reasons that were never explored! It was completely ridiculous and didn’t seem to have anything to do with the rest of the movie! She got beamed up and took off right when the zombies were really getting thick. Then, the movie ended with the sherif and deputy deciding to go down fighting in the middle of a cemetery full of zombies before finally getting killed. Why?? They had a perfectly working car they could have escaped in!!
Ugh!! So sorry I wasted my time watching this! I am so disappointed!