After around 10-15 psychedelic experiences, with 2-3 being "bad trips", I decided that I would watch this documentary while tripping and sure enough it enhanced my entire trip and gave me a sense of security throughout. Personally, I believe that any bad trip can be made good, so long as you are in the right mind set and understand what you need to do to get to that tranquil state. Love a documentary that is able to combine both both educational and comedic genre's!
Some advice to anyone that may be experiencing a bad trip:
- Sunglasses. If you are being visibly disturbed, a pair of sunglasses will change your life.
- Do not close your eyes expecting to see nothing. If you're already seeing 'scary' things, closing your eyes will only transfer those things to your mind and frighten you even more.
- Always trip, if possible, with a sober friend that can talk you out of anything you may deem to be unsettling.
- Most importantly, understand that there are no "bad trips", at least that's a conclusion I have come to. They are lessons to be learned, and can be compared to mistakes. When you make a mistake, you can either acknowledge that you did something incorrectly, or you can deny that. When you acknowledge your mistakes, you learn lessons from them, and the same can be said regarding a bad acid trip. Learn from that experience and channel it into your future.
I strongly believe (as stated in the documentary) that every person should, in the right mindset, consider the usage of LSD. It opens up so much more to the universe that is only fathomable while under the influence of this drug. It's a step into what "reality" really is.
Have a good trip :)