It's gone downhill the last several years. More like the last several decades. I and my siblings used to watch the today show while waiting for the school bus. I am 71 so that was a long time lago. Then it was a news show. Once in a blue moon, there would be a silly spot. But now it seems most of the today show is nothing but fluff. And what news they report is so biased. All the anchors seem to be liberals and love bashing the Trump administration every chance they get. This morning there was a Dr on telling everyone to clean out their medicine cabinets. She said one good way to get rid of prescription meds was to put them in a plastic baggie and throw them in the trash. What???? Trash goes to a landfill and is that plastic bag going to keep the meds from leaching into the ground??!! Or ask your Dr which meds can be flushed down the toilet. Or mix the meds with kitty litter and dispose of them. OMG. Where did this Dr go to school. Yes. The today show is a show of misinformation and fluff. I feel bad for Dylan. She must feel like the odd man out. I also noticed that shenille has a morning show very similar to the one that Dylan does about animals. Hmmm. Too biased about everything on this show anymore. I get the real news from other sources now..