I couldnt stand watching a whole episode of a grown man cry and run away and not even try to arm himself in a zombie apocalypse he couldnt even manage to kill one zombie. These charecter just annoy me they are so stupid it's hard to see the realism at some points in the first 2 episodes it was pretty good had some action some charecter development then some characters get completely wasted in horrible stupid ways not related to zombies... after 4 episodes I wanna throw this show in the garbage for it's terrible characters. At one point in episode 4 one of the charecters we are following curls up in the fetal position and crys a grown man... I just cant get behind this show the universe it is set in is nothing like this so I dont see the parallel to z nation I know it's not supposed to be like it but it's in the same universe why not just make a new zombie show I feel like they attached z nation just to get viewers