Chris Harris is clearly the best motoring journalist to date to present in front of a camera, has been for some time. He can also peddle extreemly well. He needs co presenters that are of a similar ilk.
Also, too many jokes, reminds me of a radio breakfast show full of dumb arse hyena's. Who is running/writing this show as they havn't a clue.
Do you want to know how to make it work, ask Chris, get him to sort it as HE KNOWS what works or......
Top gear will not last to 2021, or perhaps 2020. I turned my TV off when that prat put a watermelon on Harris, total &^&^%$%^ numpty.
Chris, Ill look for you on youtube or if you find yourself joined by 2-3 motoring journo's that are true enthusiasts. Can you post you car reviews from TG somewhere as the pain of the other 2 is too much to bear.