The show is slow moving, no chemistry between the characters. Each relationship seems strained and uncomfortable no one is connecting to make it believable. The story lines are boring or just stupid, which is a shame considering the mystery of the death of Walkers wife. Walkers kids are very irritating constantly whining about their dad being gone or leaving again. They are old enough to understand it is his job he is not going off on some drinking bender! My god what message does that send to kids who have parents in the military or fist responders that have to go away. It ok to act like a brat and make your parents feel guilty. I like the cast in previous rolls but it is difficult to watch talent wasted. Jared was excellent on Supernatural and Lindsey was excellent on the 100, Coby The Game and of course Mitch on X-files and Supernatural. There is no depth to any of the characters. I was really hope for Jared’s sake the show was going to work considering how difficult it was ending Supernatural. Bottom these actors deserve better writing and better directors. Hopefully things will turn around and the show will improve.
Last the comment made by Will C. about women who own 3 or more cats wow really...not very nice especially given how many animals are in desperate need of loving homes. 2.7 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year. Will you need to wake up become part of the solution and stop being part of the problem!!! Derogatory remarks about women, actually anyone are made by cowards, bullies and jackasses!