"Titans" offers an original and refreshing take on the stories of beloved DC characters. Criticism for the show is understandable (i.e. the screenplay deviates quite a bit from comic book story lines). However, in places that the show deviates viewers are introduced to a creatively crafted world of familiar DC faces, with new and exciting expressions of their powers and interactions. If you are looking for a show that's just like the comics, then "Titans" isn't for you. When you watch "Titans" I think it's important to keep in mind that it's an adaptation of existing source material and not a direct translation, and therefore takes the liberty of allowing for nuance and variability in the way that the story is being told and the ways in which characters develop. Just as comic book storylines and characters evolve over time, "Titans" has adapted existing source material in a way that keeps new DC fans intrigued and old DC fans on their toes. From a purely cinematic point of view, "Titans" succeeds in eloquently establishing and executing plot points, portraying strong character development, and using a combination of editing, sound, and writing to tell a dynamic story. Whether your new or old to the DC world, I think it's important to have fun while watching "Titans" and take the story with an open mind. As an old DC fan myself, I find the show to be extremely exciting and I commend the cast and crew for their exceptional work!