It's involving until you realize you have a chance if and only if you are ready to constantly spend $$, for one there is always someone who purchases additional coins to mobilize faster, and dominate, and two, sometimes your half healthy troops simply disappear in thin air. Not sure if that is a bug or if it is a way to oblige paid members. Two of my air attacks, and three of my ground were at least at 30% if not more and the next thing I know was, I couldn't find them. They just vanished! Also striking my enemy with the same Mig-23 caused 10% damage at every run, while what looked like a paid member managed to strike mine at 30% in every run. Anyways, after 10 days of addiction and points one and two, it put some sense in me to rethink what I was doing with my time...! I don't expect it to be charity, but at least fair? You might as well let players purchase a win!