The post-Prime Minister scripting was an over-reach the moment
international politics were brought in, giving modern viewers who may be seeing it for the first now in 2021 the impression that a sensible woman who did so well as Prime Minister would suddenly become a weak US style "Woke," spouting fashionable but unrealistic programs for such a small nation. By the time the final programs were run Denmark itself had suffered social and cultural degradations (crime, illegal migrants and their religious demands and a flood of drugs difficult to stem) and the leading lady was no longer an admirable character but just an ordinary politician putting her idealism (another name for power) ahead of all else while defending the indefensible of leaving her husband and children's lives to largely handle themselves while she strove to stay in power as PM.
The first Series scriptwriting of political intrigue was historically, among the best in the world. The lives of all characters post-her days in power are colourless and the Afghanistani and Nigerian segments amateurish..
- Dr Francis Palmos, Asian Historian