So far one of the best films I have seen in 2019 next to endgame. A true love letter to to godzilla. Ignore what the critics are saying!!! It is a good fun action flick that doesnt even try and hide the fact that it's pretty much a royal rumble film.
The effects are beautiful and breathe taking! Some of the best CGI I have seen in recent films.
Yes the human characters are a but bland but that's what you expect from a godzilla film, they are no masterpieces of writing in terms of humans but your not watching a godzilla film for the humans your watching it for the monsters! Critics complained in the 2014 film that there wasn't enough godzilla, this one there is to much godzilla!!!! How can you have to much godzilla?
Please give the film a chance it is a damn good fun monster romp and is a true godzilla film. I give it 4.5 out of 5!