Worst movie I’ve ever watched. I love how great ATLA is, and this movie completely ruins the entire series. It immediately got on my nerves how they pronounced aang and sokka. Another reason I hate this is because aang in the series is a very confident boy, and he himself made the deal to go quietly with zuko to protect the southern tribe, but zuko had to make the deal, they turned a great avatar into an even more timid boy. Another thing, is it that hard to say lines during a combat scene? Like this movie is either all talk or all fighting. My favorite line is when zuko points out he gains power from the sun when he starts beating katara when the sun rose. I will briefly point out iroh went from respecting the spirits greatly, to not even mentioning them. The worst thing I got out of this movie was iroh lost his son, and he treated zuko like his son now. The scene where zuko leaves the boat to invade the northern tribe turned from a heartfelt moment into... just a meaningless moment where iroh just states a random direction, what’s up with that? Also earthbenders fighting, it took 5 of them to slowly move one rock after an entire dance recital, um WHAT?! saw this on Netflix and had high hopes, but to no avail. This slanders the perfection of ATLA, and it should burn in hell. (If you think this movie is great, you have no taste, and you obviously don’t have any respect for the series. Or you are just a marketer who is trying to fudge up the reviews to make it better, the avatar community won’t let that happen).