This show has been amazing throughout the last 8 seasons… well…up until the producers ran out of ideas which is practically after season 8… and let’s be honest, (spoiler alert)…
when Rick left.
After then I have been extremely bored and disappointed in everything after season 8… just pointless episodes with no substance or entertainment… they should’ve just ended this amazing show sooner when they had the chance and it would’ve been epic! Instead it feels like they just decided to think about the money and continued the show which has now lost half of its fans because its boring!!!. I kind of feel cheated that I’ve spent hours and hours of my time watching and investing in this series that has literally just turned into nothing more than a money making train… it’s like the producers just totally lost their way with the whole story, I’m afraid what will be, nothing more than a poor and disappointing ending (just like game of thrones).
Sorry folks but I’ve given up and don’t really care what happens in the end now. It should’ve ended ages ago and it would’ve been amazing! what is left is not worth watching and I’m past caring. Such a shame.