It’s a crime movie that tells a unique story. It also helps someone understand the basic layout of a courtroom. Or how the lawyers, judges and criminals may interact with one another and what their roles are and how their ambitions are part of their careers. I’m writing this review in the year 2019. So this movie has been out for the longest time now. I’ve always thought that movies from decades back were of a finer quality that is not seen quite often anymore and this movie fits that feeling i carry as a movie lover. It’s a crime movie that doesn’t require much special effects but just the great activing from reputable actors altogether and the characters are fully relatable to which means the writing of the story is good. The plot twist moment at the end was a small possibility that i always entertained in my mind but it doesn’t make it any less shocking to actually find out it was true. It leaves a person thinking what the movie was really all about and how it affected them all in the end.