Irrelevant, meaningless show, doesn't make any sense. Scenes are dramatised rigidly to give a shape of cinema. Detailing or facts were the last choice of the makers in making. Sometimes at 11:11, it's a night on one side and on the other side, its a day and sometime on both time zone, it's day. Time has its own pace, even time cannot change itself and its zone too. It is constant. That I found the most irrelevant thing to use 11:11 as per own interest. It is shown Vamika's ever long lasting love towards Shaurya throughout the drama and she used to wore his watch throughout but during the occasion where she danced in a yellow dress, was not wearing the watch.
Actors have done their job very well. Raghav is doing too good. Vamika was also fine in her character. But Shaurya, Balawant and Shamshera were fanstistic in their Character.