i don't like that they focus so much on USA teams. what about team Canada, team Germany, team etc. they focus on 8 USA teams , then like 3 or 4 other international teams Why always rge same teams, there are 64.. i would also like to see the score boards more often. you have like 64 teams killing themselves, i think every team should have some tv time, not just the USA team. pretty sure people all around the world may what to route for there team. i can almost name every us team, but what about the Canadian teams. stop being all about the USA, the globe is much larger than the states.
i think we seen the Brazilian team, the Indian team, the Spanish team, the NZ team, and then 8-10 USA teams. the Canadians are top 5 during the entire trek, and i've barely seen them. don't think i'll every watch again, might as well just be 10 USA and get rid of the rest of the world. i suggest the the producers watch it from an international few