It is a show developed for a teenage audience in an attempt to spread awareness for sexual assault. You can tell by the writing and how the plot is forced along that it's all just to reach a target audience for the sake of spreading a message.
Which is all well and good, it's just the example they make is just not very believable to me.
Really with the whole sexual assault thing in itself. I just feel, generally speaking, if you get forcefully touched by someone then discover you have super powers and end up crushing your assailant into a paralytic state, I dont think you're going to resent them quite like Henry does in the show. He had his hands down her pants and the whole situation lasted maybe 20 seconds before she went magneto. Could that 20 seconds really make you say "I just cant go outside anymore without seeing him *cries*" well after it happened?
Is paralyzing him not enough revenge?? She got her power back by literally having powers and using them against your assailant. In this world though, being paralyzed is just whatever and some of them think he should die for that 20 seconds! I mean anyone in the world understands what he did is wrong. I just dont think any reasonable people would react the way the characters were reacting to this particular fictional assault given the consequences afterwards.
They should have had him actually rape her to make it seem a little more believable. And maybe the message is effective in that, even if you dont fully rape someone it's just as bad and there are serious consequences to doing that. But further demonizing him after crippling him doesnt seem right to me.
Now the more that he continues to deny that he had anything to do with being paralyzed then the more the demonization will be justified.
When they are in the car with Clay they also had a chance to really come to terms with everything, but they dont really try to hammer in the idea that him assaulting her triggered her powers. They just kinda sit there and let everything continue to boil over. Clay knows he did something wrong, but he doesnt think he deserves to be paralyzed for it and they leave him thinking that Henry meant to do it.
Otherwise, there is some strong acting considering the writing at times.