Between Two Ferns: The Movie has a contrived plot that barely holds together the interviews. It has the look and feel of a tiny-budget straight-to-VoD Youtube "film" made by a bunch of e-celebrities. It would have been far more effective if it was just a series of longer interviews posted on the internet like it was before.
Zach's performance is...the same Zach we've been watching for over a decade. His generic "redemption arc" isn't any more poignant than the rest of the film. Every interviewee, with the exception of John Legend, plays the same character of "annoyed celebrity that acts like they've been at the DMV for 6 hours, rather than a weird interview for 5 minutes.
Will Ferrell...c'mon man; I didn't think you could do worse than Sherlock Holmes, but you've managed to make your small role in this even less appealing. There were parts where you tickled the idea of comedy, but unfortunately the follow-through left something to be desired.
My favorite part of the movie was the credits. Not being snarky, I actually enjoyed the bloopers more than the rest of the film.