In season 1 they introduce app Nd it's use age Nd master Nd season 2 the reveal the reason behind this Nd sacond master Nd also hind of third master when ms. Said that "smart, handsome and mysterious" which reflects both the twins. 3rd master can be eighter of them.
Robin becoz: in ep 1 v can see the video which proved ji-na innocent was taken before she name her target. Nd ro-bin been her classmate he knew who is true guilty. Nd also ro-bin was the one who bring her home, jai-yi is not the one who let ji-na stay in washroom.
Nd in season 9-10 something only ro-bin since the beginning knew or witness what's going on Nd in the almost end he told ji-na about dairy Nd class parsedent. Jai-yi didn't even know about thatnd if he do he won't let ro-bin have all the problems face himself in the end of the episode.
Also the way ha-ni's all the photos of roo-kaa delated can only be done by cyber hacking her phone which I guess ro-bin is good in. (V can witness it in flashback when he tells he and jae-yi is not true brother. How he guess Nd open the password protected file, Nd also in ep15 even after jae-yi many trieshe fail to open the video becoz of password protection but ro-bin did)
Also when they saw the leg of "mysterious character" everyone except ro-bin was in campus eating lunch Nd ro-bin was missing.
When ha-ni was up to attact ji-na. Jina got msg from 'revenge note' Nd robin was there to witness those thong bit not jae-yi.
Nd the way he notice the small detail about the (face on spoon) prove that he notes everything which is easy for the help of revenge note.
Also v never able to find out why did ro-bin work part-time?
Jae-yi: becoz he is good in coding Nd all
He do some work in his computer when ro-bin without knock came to his room for charger Nd he close the compure s if he get caught red handed