Felt like it was a bunch of side missions leading up to a disappointing story. I grinded those pledges for hours only to be given a tiny sliver of story towards the end. What was the point of being able to exit the animus at any time, but only be pulled out of it twice? Layla had more screen time back in Origins. It was such a waste of character.
I really miss the AC2 element, when it was completely story driven instead of grinding out levels to build your experience. You talk so much with the side characters, only to never see them again (mostly) and for it to have zero repercussions on the ultimate story. Why pledge to all those people after saving a certain someone (no spoiler) when it makes no difference to the story? After that, the game grinds you just for the sake of playtime. I give Assassins Creed a chance every year and even Odyssey managed to enrapture me. This was just... disappointing.