Bird Box is what happens when you take a horrible premise from the 2008 movie "The Happening" by M. Night Shyamalan and actually make a GREAT movie out of it. In "The Happening" the premise is that people are basically committing suicide because all the trees in the world have developed a self defense method. This method involves releasing gases that when inhaled cause people to kill themselves in extremely graphic fashion.
In "Bird Box", people commit suicide in that same graphic fashion but the reason is far more interesting and believable (even if it's a bit outlandish). Suicides in "Bird Box" are caused by supernatural creatures that can't be seen by the audience but if seen by an actor they are overcome with IMMENSE sadness and depression that is so intense the subject immediately commits suicide in the most horrible way possible. So to avoid this the actors in "Bird Box" spend most of their time indoors and MUST be blindfolded when outside AT ALL TIMES!
Where "The Happening failed the "Bird Box" succeeds. So why does "Bird Box" work and "The Happening" didn't? My personal belief that it is hard for an audience to believe that trees have somehow organized globally to emit self defense gases. Trees give us life. Without them we die. A premise has to be somewhat believable no matter if it is rooted in reality or completely made up.
"Bird Box" replaces the trees in "The Happening" for supernatural monsters. It's not hard to believe that if supernatural monsters have invaded the Earth that they would ALSO have supernatural powers. And for that simple reason "Bird Box" works. I won't go into more detail about the monsters supernatural abilities or the significance of the title "Bird Box" as that would be a spoiler.
The movie has gone completely viral on social media and includes actors that we all love and recognize. Sandra Bullock, John Malkovich, Rel the TSA agent from the movie "Get Out" and Trevante Rhodes as the alpha male of the group. You may remember him from the Oscar award winning movie "MoonLight".
Netflix has it's first blockbuster on hand to be sure. Finally, a great blockbuster movie that you don't need to go to your local theater to see. If you have Netflix I highly recommend this movie.