The Busby family is an unusual family, blessed with having the first all-girl quintuplets born within the USA. It's truly a miracle that all 5 teeny, tiny babies survived and are all healthy and very bright. God certainly chose the right people to parent them. Most of us could barely handle one at a time. They are a family under a microscope, letting us each into their lives to see just how difficult and challenging it is. Unfortunately they have tremendous medical debts, but fortunately they are able to get some monetary help by promoting certain products and being paid for allowing TLC to film them. No one and no family is perfect. Sometimes, it seems like I am, as a viewer, invading their privacy but I watch anyway. I have a very thankful heart that God did not 'bless' me with more than 1 daughter at a time, and I pray the Busby parents will always pray for His guidance thru this miraculous journey of parenting 6 daughters.