First game was a masterpiece. This game is the exact opposite of that. From the director inserting himself into a mocap sex scene, to random flashbacks that should have just happened in chronological order, to the games desperate need to feel profoundly sad, this game is not worth any bodies money, unless you really enjoy watching complete train wrecks, and thinking about the thousands of man hours wasted in a disgusting excuse for a sequel to a legendary game. The narrative pacing, the order of events presented to us, and the overall moral of the story seems like something out of a children’s movie. Of course, the topics at hand are far from appropriate for children, but it narratively feels like something only a young child would be able to look past and still enjoy. Please do not feed anymore money to the mouths of this company, as a third installment would only bury my love for this franchise farther than I can bare to stand.