I loved it overall. It's the show down we've always wanted to see since we were kids.. Godzilla vs King Kong....who is stronger...it was meant to happen but I was worried that ultimately the writers would find a way to tease a fight without them actually fighting each other or script it to end in a draw and then fighting as one against a common foe because you risk alienating one or the others fan base depending on who lost yet the writers never blinked , quite the opposite rather...not only did they fight they made it abundantly clear who the winner was... probably the best scene of the movie. They didn't pull any punch's...no pun intended. Sure the human story lines left a lot to be desired but the the movie wasn't about the human characters, It was about two Titans from our childhood throwing down. If I want a story line I'll go see Bond film...but if I want action I'll watch Godzilla vs King Kong .....And I won't spoil it by mentioning who wins...but if you're dying to know here's a hint....The answer is in their names...Ask yourself this one simple question...who's more powerful...A King or a God....?