While I found the show entertaining, it is nothing more than a telenovela with english-speaking characters. It's full of scandals, mischief, romance (including the unrequited kind), gossip, and lots of sex. It's also a story we've heard before - basically the plight of women in high society whose faith is tied up to whom they are able to secure as their future husband. Class, gender, and societal norms (for both the men and women) bound the characters to their fates. Some chose to go against these norms and others choose not to or simply cannot. For sure it makes for an entertaining show but there's nothing groundbreaking here. The only peculiar aspect of the show is that there are black characters. It's not until 4 or 5 episodes later that we find out why but really the show doesn't dwell on it. It falls in the background and class and gender take center stage. I found Simon and Daphne's love story so annoying and a bit of a stretch (he rather risk death rather than bear children because of his hate for his dad?)- such a telenovela! The real protagonist here is Siena who chooses self over some goofball who treats her less than she deserves. Honestly I don't understand the hype around this show but okay...