I LOVE IT OMG BEST SHOW EVER. It represents lots of different people and minority’s (lgbtq, neurodivergence, etc) Not to mention the actors actualy look like teenagers (unlike other shows). I love the communication between Simon and Wilhelm and their over all relationship. The last episode was sooooo sad but ig they made choice that were good for themselves. Ik it was supper sad but Simon had already figured out his sexuality and was out of the closet but Wilhelm was not. I really wish Wilhelm had chosen to say that he was the one in the video but he should also choose when he wants to come out. I totally get that Simon did not want to be Wilhelm secrets.
From the very beginning I could tell that Simon and Wilhelm were in love. The way they looked and each other and how they expressed their love. Personally, I think their relationship is better then most of the straight couples on tv. One person I HATED was August. I know for a fact that all of us hate himbut I want to say that I knew he was bad from the start. He was trying so hard to be a friend and mentor to Wilhelm. Lowkey gives me hom@phobe vibes 😒. Also Sara got super annoying at the end. Like that kiss with August came out of KNOWHERE. She is on THIN ICE.
I love love love this show so much and highly recommend it to everyone. Also PLZZZ give this show five stars so we can get a season 2 😁