This is so absolutely awful that I had to write a review which is something I've never done before.
Firstly, watching it on an iPad was difficult. Many of the scenes were filmed in complete darkness to such an extent that it became impossible to see what was happening. With my high spec iPad on the highest brightness setting, even scenes in desert sunlight looked gloomy, most indoor scenes were filmed in low lighting and anything at night became impossible to decipher. I think the alien appeared and ate someone or was it a smear of molten tar? I couldn't really tell. Either this was a deliberate decision or the production team is incompetent but it certainly made it a challenge to watch and understand. I'd really like to know which.
Then there were the various storylines of one-dimensional and stereotyped characters in predictable situations. When the scenes changed from the schoolboy bully to the maverick Japanese space employee to the weak and unlikeable cheating husband with the very capable but also dishonest wife to the gun-happy soldier about to shoot anyone who helps him, I was never sure which scene was the most boring. I got so impatient waiting to find out about the aliens that I started to skip whole scenes but even then, I never missed anything relevant to the storyline because about 90% of the scenes are just irrelevant filler.
To be fair, the acting was generally very good but the dialogue they were given was unrealistic. The English school kids were great actors but spoke American with an English accent. Their nasty banter and bullying language was neither age-appropriate nor was the vernacular British. At episode 7, I just gave up. I'd have liked to have met the alien but I just knew that it was going to unfold just like all other alien invasion movies but with tedious side-stories spinning it out into a whole series.
Don't even think about watching it as you'll be wasting a few precious hours of your life which you could use for more exciting pursuits like filing your tax return, cleaning the toilet or watching paint dry.