Life Is Strange: True Colors offers once again the best of the franchise: Great Music, story, cast, powers, etc..
And even if I did enjoy the game, I felt a bit disappointed.
First off, the music: Having Angus and Julia Stone from the first game again was a real surprise that threw me off. I already like their work, so them being back is a real treat for people who played the first game.
The graphics got a huge upgrade - Haven Springs is BEAUTIFUL, and I'd do anything for a vacation there. The models got better as well, compared to what we had in the past. However, the bugs and glitches are noticeable. It also looks like the NPC interactions suffered a downgrade? The different lines of dialogue overlapping each other issue is still present.
The story is what I have a problem with: In Life Is Strange 2, Sean and Daniel were battling against a racist society, looking for the freedom they were meant to always have. In True Colors, Alex is against a huge company to unlock the mystery of her brother's death. You'd think that this sounds good on paper - and it can. I feel like it wasn't executed so well however. I love the trio! But it is clear that in this game, things are less...Philosophical? Less meaningful? I have had a hard time trying to relate to ANY member of the cast. While Haven Springs and characters from afar felt so vibrant, the cast didn't.
Some moments feel awkward and rushed, while not in some areas.
And it all links to Alex's power. I like the idea of looking into other people's emotions. It sounds AMAZING on paper. But I wish it was a bit more meaningful, and had more use to it than only figuring out what's in other people's heads. It could affect the world around her as a flip side, that would have made her power more interesting.
II don't have a problem with the choices - I actually loved how there were more dilemmas in different sections of the game. But it...really is short. The game IS VERY SHORT AND RUSHED, which makes the emotional situations less emotional.
As an overall, I think Life Is Strange: True Colors could have been better in some way. It is NOT a bad Life Is Strange game, but definitely not the best. However, I feel like it is fair to say it tries to teach a lot and raise awareness on subjects like mental health, corruption, the real meaning of family, and calls out the deteriorating foster care system in America. I just didn't feel so...connected to this game, as I did with its predecessors: It's almost as if Alex is trying to be like Max, or Deck Nine wanted this game to be like the first game.
The ending was SOOO anticipated and foreshadowed, when the villain is revealed - we also sense a deja vu as well. *cough Jefferson shooting Max cough*
But I guess this is forgiven with the face-off in the end, that is affected by your choices in the game.
The very last choice...I don't want to say it doesn't make any sense, it just...feels weird?
And now, there is the Wavelength DLC, that I hope will bring in a new mechanic just like we had for Before The Storm. Maybe my view on this game will shift.
Life Is Strange: True Colors is a beautiful game that teaches a lot of life lessons. A beautiful and outstanding teacher and awareness riser, but not so much of a Life Is Strange game, because it suffered from the bugs, glitches, bland storyline, average characters, and fast pacing. Life Is Strange: True Colors tried so hard to copy Life Is Strange 1, that it couldn't show off it's...True Colors.