I enjoyed this! The story was good and a bit different.
I can see why people didn't like it - the main character, Josefine, was an extremely irritating young girl. However, in this sense, that's what made it realistic. The parents think she can do no wrong, even when she causes the unnecessary death of multiple people!
However, the nisser were really cool, great to see a story with a little bit of different folklore. I very much enjoyed the theme of respecting nature, something which we could all do to consider more. Also, the characters felt very realistic. I liked that the episodes were very short (although I binged it!). The show gave me vibes of Wickerman, ET and Gremlins meets Nordic storytelling. A win in my books!
Overall, I'd recommend this show for a lil bit of Scandi festive and fun horror, with a very important theme underlying the tale.