Watched it a few years ago, more than once and was intrigued and on the edge of my seat watching it each time but it seemed so fictitious in the context of our world today where every thing is better managed and controlled, what with all the countless advancements and improvements in the medical, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry plus learning from all the major outbreaks in the past. Hence, I would think all that knowledge would probably prevent anything as major as the outbreak shown in the movie from taking place in real life but watching it now amongst the Covid-19 pandemic, this movie seems so much more realistic and hits closer to home. Albeit, exaggerated at some points (i.e: death tolls, people breaking in, beating each other, causing chaos..etc..) I still think it still shows a pretty accurate representation of how a pandemic outbreak in the world affects people and their livelihoods aswell as how healthcare officials react to contain it. The similarities of the situation the world is currently facing during the Covid-19 outbreak and the representations in the movie are at times, eerily similar which makes this movie even more chilling to watch it now. Also, the ending scene showing how it all began goes to show how such a small event can lead to something so cataclysmic.