I want to love this game, but can't...
Also find it interesting and amusing Epic Games doesn't allow user reviews for their games on the store front, but allows user reviews for items sold on the unreal market place for UE4. Seems a little weird to me.
75% of the missions are overloaded with tanks and vtols that will leave you nearly dead before you even get to the first objective. Might not be an issue "IF" it was actually fun to destroy them.
Success is often only achieved after failing several times while looking for a way to exploit the poor to non existent mission scripting.
High levels of rinse and repeat auto generated filler missions that have to be played to earn credits to buy mechs. Available mechs seems to be pure luck. Have yet to get an assault mech after about 40 hours of digging and being level/rank 10.
Story line missions are only slightly better in terms of scripting. The game play for them is only slightly different. Just more tanks, vtols and usually heavier mechs to fight. Rewards for finishing those missions doesn't compensate for the damage taken while doing them.
Coop is meh... No text based chat system and no voice chat?!
UI to monitor lance mechs damage is mildly non existent, a bar graph doesnt cut it...
Path finding for AI lance is all kinds of borked. They get stuck on large objects and are rendered useless frequently. Will not walk over short cliffs(no damage fall) that would be a faster route but will walk a mile triggering aggro...
AI will not move to and stand at where ordered to move to and stand at.
Destructive world is nice, but its nearly impossible to tell what can and can't be destroyed. Specifically rocks, specially the ones that will get AI stuck on.
Witness one too many tanks falling through the world.
Grind Grind Grind... Mission reward vs damage bill is out of balance. Mostly due to excessive tank, vtol or enemy mechs that you have to face.
There's no system to replace and refit destroyed weapons and components despite having that item in your inventory or the market. Instead you get to waste time doing it manually and clicking repair buttons. Epic waste of time...
Graphics are ok, but its on par with MWO. Expecting more... Specifically with variety of environment art. Have yet to see a true city map. Damage in the environments and mechs is nice.
The world settings are just lacking. Biomes look like earth. Doesn't represent a vast variety of planets(feels like I am playing a game in the pacific northwest). You get Ice, desert, tropical jungle and forest. Rarely see the lava worlds.
Mechs don't have any lights on them. Night vision is pointless because their are no night maps.
Been a while since I've played a game that has crashed on me. Experienced 5 crashes so far...