Super impressive game. I love how it has the feels of playing Far Cry 3 which I ever so missed. But also has aspects from 4 and 5 in addition to the new aspects like the supremo. However, my complaints so far, considering it’s a recent release, are that the A.I. has extremely questionable intelligence. I don’t know if it’s just a slight bug, or if they have varying levels of wits but they seem a bit chaotic at times, driving off the road and crashing into objects and even running you over. Also while trying to auto drive I’ve noticed that it refuses to follow the road at times and sometimes bugs out crashing into a wall or something. Guapo could also do a bit more damage to enemies because i feel like he has a higher chance of be downed than scoring a kill. I also feel like the enemy choppers sometimes take way too much punishment. I understand it’s not the far cry we once knew, but it should never take an entire minigun load and a half to down a helo. Overall, I love the game so far.