Dear Disney, I've never before felt like leaving the cinema whilst watching Star Wars. You've almost succeeded in that accomplishment, but I guess you couldn't even pull that off. I am not a fanboy, but that was the worst film in the series by a long shot (episode 1 was much better). I couldn't find a single line of good dialogue as they just all repeated what was happening (it was clearly written by two 10 year olds and coked-up Abrams) I beg you Mr Abrahams quit directing as you are clearly unable to produce any original content nor anything that even resembles good story telling. The film felt like three films mashed into one with an oversized hammer, there were tons of boring unrelatable characters who I couldn't care less about, and no single setting lasted for more than 30 seconds as Abrahams abused Disney's travel budget. The constant jumps between countless places clearly showed JJ cannot do any sort of story telling that captures cinema goers attention. Mate, more is not better - did they not teach you that in film school or did you skive off? Moreover, Harrison Ford how much did they pay you again or was your appearance part of the original 30 million jackpot? The bad grandpa twist, crippled Palp, was absurd just as his demise (again, cooked himself up - don't play with electricity man). Also, the lightsabers.. Oh dear, I believe I could do better with a sword if I had two broken arms. The only character not to make a splash on the screen was Jar Jar as he would probably produce better acting and dialogue than these bunch of sorry arse actors - careers over even before they had begun. Trash. Just trash. Oh, yep that's a photo of light cavalry charge atop a fleet of star destroyers... the whole film is brain dead and logic could not be found in any of the 20 planets Abrahams shoved into it. On the plus size there's a new robot which will top the bull**it toy list this year and it looks like a dyson blowdrier. The best thing about the film was the popcorn. 2.5/10.