This show is truly a magnificent masterpiece. Everything about this show is absolutely amazing I honestly couldn't think of anything bad. The characters specifically the main characters like Tine, Sarawat, Phukong, and Mil. These characters in my opinion were well written, well developed, and overall perfect. Obviously not all of their actions were good actions but I feel like everything that happened in the show (the good and the bad) happened for a good reason and I'm glad it all happened. The show continues to be one of my favorites mainly because of the couples Tine and Sarawat and Phukong and Mil. Watching these two couples get together and develop feelings for each other was literally the cutest. I will however say I had mixed feelings about Phukong and Mil. I was mainly just annoyed because Mil was basically avoiding Phukong and trying to get with Tine which I understand he liked him but Tine was basically already with Sarawat and in the end it just became annoying how he was still trying to get with Tine and just completely avoiding his emotions for Phukong. I however have nothing negative to say about Tines relationship with Sarawat because it was so pure and adorable and they were eachother first boyfriends and I'm so glad they stayed together all throughout the show. The purity between those relationships like made my heart melt. I couldn't possibly say anything bad about any of the characters except for the girls who were obsessed with Sarawat. They were literally one of the most annoying characters mainly because they were all preventing Tine and Sarawat from going public. The only other character that I absolutely hated that I literally wanted out of the show was Sarawats old high school friend. She honestly should have just been one of the other girls that was so obsessed with him. She showed up like three episodes before the finale and was trying to get with Sarawat even though she already knew that Tine and Sarawat were together. It made me so upset how Tine wouldn't even talk to Sarawat after. Which I get he was upset but I mean if I was in his situation I would at least let him explain. But overall this show is a 10/10 I recommend it to everyone.