Why anyone would want to watch a film written and directed by a charlatan, disgraced doctor is beyond me. This is filled with misinformation and quite frankly lies. In 2000 I was working at a children’s centre when there was a measles outbreak in my area. I saw children, who already had autism, have this vaccine. I also heard many parents worry about this vaccine, which let’s be clear the result of Wakefield’s study has been proven false time and time again. Personally I’d rather have an autistic child than a dead one but I’m a firm believer that it is genetic just like diabetes and cystic fibrosis. In my opinion Andrew Wakefield should be charged with every death related to these diseases in the western world as they would not have occurred if not for his arrogance. If only he worried more about the facts and less about his opinion. I’m disgusted he lives freely in Texas without any consequences of his actions. The royal free is better of without him. Thank God he didn’t work at GOSH!