good for its content, very nice point taken where it happens in India that women are taken granted for anything and never realize how a women feels,
big BUT in this movie -- director must be still leaving in 80's and 90's where the society was like that husband has never care attitude as only men were working, now things are changed both men and women have equal shares and rights, it is like every girl who are linked with Tapsee in this movie try to get divorce or separated example like that Lawyer.
Look at that maid she dint screw her life , she hit her husband hard and explained him clearly about her pain and then started living happily, whereas on the other side one slap where no traces on prior violence from a loving husband is dragged to divorce . Film like this gives everyone an idea that how easy to get divorced , tomorrow if someone makes a movie and husband cooks for his wife and if it is too spicy , then file a divorce.
Life if full when married and living together such a great concept that our ancestors gave it to us. and film like this may ruin . I wish movie could've more focused on that slap and couldve educated everyone about women feelings instead of Divorce which such a bad idea !!