This game is really fun and true to the story of Mechwarrior. It only gets 4 stars because I believe the multiplayer could be better. After reading alot of reviews that talk bad about this game and having played it and other mech warrior games. The people complaining about dying easy in missions are probably new to the series or really bad at the game. The amount of times I've failed a mission is less than 10 and I've been able to do that just by maxing my salvage options and working for the same major house. The money/mech management isn't difficult if you don't rush into things. If you don't like the jobs where you're at, go else where, the gigantic map and random events you can find are nice touches. Plus if you durdle long enough the Clans will show up and really spice things up.
TlDr; If you're bad at the game you're probably a Capellan and don't deserve pity.