A special kind of genius when you really think about it ...
While some episodes, as expected, do not rise to the level of greatness of others, most all are thought-provoking and entertaining. In this age of so many rehashed, canned and stale TV offerings, what more can one ask for? Something witty, new and out-of-the-ordinary is what I look for, and you get all three here.
The stories are pretty different than what you've seen before - at least as much as anything can be different nowadays - and you never know what you are going to get from week to week in terms of expecting drama, thriller, comedy, etc. ... The series embraces all genres. I like this. I also like that the creators of the series seem to be keenly unapologetic, in every way, in their approach to filming the series, and in its delivery.
The other thing that stands out to me, and mostly the reason why I call it genius, is the level of acting the actors and actresses bring to the table. You have to understand that every episode takes place IN Room 104, and sometimes, while the list of characters may include a number of people, for the most part, there are no more than one, two or maybe even three people being filmed, and the scenes rely heavily on them, and almost every one of them sells these odd and 'off the beaten track' stories to the hilt. There is hardly any time you don't believe (at least during the running time) that all this "weirdness" is actually happening.
Again, not every episode rises to the level of others, but I suggest that anyone who has discounted this series based on an episode they did not like, watch another. While the series, as a whole, may not be everyone's cup of tea (what really is?), you might just be one of the ones who finds a new favorite while visiting Room 104.