It's sad, because I do like a lot of this game and it's downtime features, but certain highly inconvenient factors that prevent fluid and smooth progression of gameplay resulting in game overs doesn't make for an enjoyable experience.
I'm not saying that there should be no such thing as losing a game, but losing from factors beyond personal skill should be limited.
As far as turn-by-turn battling goes, as well as some other crucial features, this game is so far not thought out well enough.
The fact that there is hardly any time to buy all the necessary sp items, natural ways to recover stats, or items that recover sp in the palaces is incredibly annoying and makes platthrough impossible on any difficulty beyond safe...
Furthermore, time constraints on games is natural as a mechanic, but saying that you have to do soemthing by that day is misleading, when saying before would be more accurate.
Also, if you're going to implement time sensitive missions, how about you DON'T MAKE THE STORY REQUIRE YOU TO GO BACK THE NEXT DAY AFTER DOING SOMETHING ELSE, so the people playing don't end up wasting a hours and hours on these palaces only to get a game over for running out of time???