Maara - A lengthy, boring, patience testing watch which is only slightly compensated by the excellent technical work.
Every frame of the movie is very artistic. But all the colours are over-saturated, all scenes are over-saturated, the actors skin tone for example is so warm, it's as if they have jaundice. There are more pink and blue in the movie's normal scenes than in a baby shower party. Even windows, window panes, liquor bottles, caps of liquor bottles are artistic! It's almost as if the art director has once chance for the entire lifetime and puts everything into it.
Every landscape shown is a wallpaper. There is no storyline. The movie is simply Shraddha in the foreground with a stunning landscape in the background. It is extremely clear that the visuals are unreal and software created. In one scene, there are normal mountains behind Maddy, in the next, it becomes orange sky, green mountain, blue River and what not!
Every camera shot is artistic. It seemed as if a superb camera has been given for the first time to an enthusiast. The shots of the burning wood logs reminded me of us taking portrait and depth effect shots of literally every flame we see. One stretch of curvy uphill road, shown a hundred times to make an ordinary place great. Try googling Thangadu village.
With no story or suspense and logic thrown way out of the artistically painted windows, the movie drags along to an eventual expected conclusion after 2 hours.
It may be a great watch for people awed by stunning visuals in this age of Instagram, people who have never seen windows backgrounds folder I guess... but for anyone expecting a movie with a story, Maara is not worthwhile at all.
And please, the only great acting in the movie is by Mouli who portrays his character with great charm. Madhavan has almost no role, he comes and goes randomly. Shraddha is simply smiling randomly. Alexander was fresh but the comic strip was below par and other characters have almost no role.
So, if you are fine with watching oversaturation of colours and video editing techniques and wallpapers for 2.5 hours, Maara is a must watch. Else, just a bore movie.