This series is full of lies against the tamil people and their culture. specially what happened to tamil people in srilanka. everything potrayed about the ltte and tamils as terrorist is sort od a racial discrimination on tamils and srilankan tamil communities. season 1 is potraying kerala muslim community to be involved is isil terrorism. how racist can the producers and directors be? Ltte in Srilanka formed because of the social injustice and brutality against tamil comunnitites. All what Indian and Srilankan government did was brand them to be made them even suffer more and branded them to be terrorists, all they did was fighting for equal rights and justice in their own country. does the producers have any clue about what this buddist sinhalese racist government did for tamils in srilanka? they treated them worst than an animal and india supported this cause for their own interest.
Showing aryan superiorty to tamil speaking people would do everthing to stop them rising to be developed raped their girls and left them with no justice like slaves. how would you expect people to tollerate persecution everyday in their lives? This Family Man 2 is another racist propaganda against the tamils who live in south india and in srilanka potraying them as barbarians and heartless people. and also everything shown on the series in inaccurate and inflammatory information about the tamil tigers. India is the biggest divided and racist nation against the minorities in the country in the whole world thats why the foriegn worlds see them like shits got no future.