When you finish all 23 episodes, you'll realise what it all means.
It was all an act, all scripted, all meant to be the way it played out. Yes, everything that happened was all in line with Destiny. As the viewer, you will realise you were just that, a viewer, through the eyes of Re-l Mayer, the main protagonist, watching all the answers unfold with her.
To get the most out of this, I recommend you think, and think alot. That's the beauty of this anime. just when you thought you understood, it'll then throw another bone only to make you realise the first one you were chewing on was really the first course. It constantly leads you on philosophical debates with yourself, revealing more and more, but not too much - just enough for yourself to decide (as does the main characters - we all have our own truths, regardless of how we play in the grand scheme, and that's just how it is). Don't get too fussed though, remember, everything that unravelled was just as things were meant to be.
My favourite episode is no. 11 "Anamesis". Note that the whole anime is wonderfully peppered with Zen teachings, but this was the one that revealed the most to me as the episode which mirrored our struggles as humans.
"The future is an opaque mirror. Anyone who tries to look into it sees nothing but the dim outlines of an old and worried face."
Have you thought about your own future and felt the humanly frustration over which you know there is no control? Then belong, and loose yourself in this anime. The only truth is the present - and when you live for the now, you live forever; past, present and future.